Physiotherapy in Cardiopulmonary

Cardiopulmonary physiotherapy deals with problems with cases of post-surgical conditions (general, cardiac, thoracic and vascular surgery) , general medicine cases such as respiratory conditions , diabetes mellitus, etc and cardiac conditions such as MI.
This specialty also deals with critical cases in ICU, CICU and HDU. Cardiopulmonary physiotherapy deals with functions of the lung and heart i.e. the goal of functional endurance through cardiovascular endurance.
Services Provided:
- Treatment of cases in critical care through respiratory techniques such as bronchial hygiene, lung expansion, early mobilization strategy
- Treatment of post-surgical cases through pre-op counseling ; cardiothoracic 14 step protocol; post-op protocol
- In-patient pulmonary rehabilitation: group education session to COPD thrice a week and daily individualized exercise sessions
- Treatment to all cases such as COPD, Asthma, Bronchiectasis through lung expansion therapy and bronchial hygiene techniques.
- In physiotherapy OPD: pre – operative sessions for planned cardiac surgery cases; exercise interventions for vascular cases such as varicose vein.
In-patient pulmonary rehabilitation – education session in medicine ward |
Upper limb strengthening exercise to Ventilated case in ICU |