One woman die in every two hours from maternal death in Nepal. The health situation is even worse in the rural areas due to many hindering factors like harsh terrain, lack of knowledge and low socio-economic status of the people, lack of availability and access to quality health care. For instance, only thirty eight percent of rural mothers receive antenatal care from skill birth attendees, compared with eighty five percent of urban mothers. Only a fraction of people in rural areas manages to visit the health institution, that also in the late stage of their disease. Most of the problems are still hidden and unrecognized. These conditions show the necessity of integrating primary health care with the preventive programs and developing a structured health system in the rural areas. For this, Department of Community Programs developed the concept of “Regular Health Monitoring Program or Family Health Program ”. 



Regular Health Monitoring Program or Family Health Program is the preventive program where health screening is done to identify the high risk people for timely intervention, detect the disease and treat it as early as possible. During screening, if the disease is detected, the person will be referred to the outreach center of Department of Community Programs or to Dhulikhel Hospital (in case of complicated cases) for the treatment. Health education and counseling service will also be given at the same time.