Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)

ENT-HNS department in Dhulikhel hospital started OPD services since 2005 with main aim to provide preventive, curative and rehabilitative services to those in need. The department now has 13 bedded in patient services. The department is providing outpatient services to nearly 70 patients per day. Also, it is providing both major and minor surgical procedures of nearly 12 per day.
OPD services:
Patient examination equipment's are adequate for examining one patient at a time with a patient sitting chair, headlight, suction machine etc, fiber optic endoscopic facility, case recording, two faculties can work at a time.
Procedures done in OPD:
- Wax removal,
- IG packing,
- Chemical cauterization,
- Removal of foreign body in ear and nose,
- Anterior nasal packing,
- Flexible nasopharyngolaryngoscopy,
- Pure Tone Audiometry,
- Vertigo test ,
- Incision and drainage,
- Ear lobe repair,
- Major and minor dressings.
Operative services:
- Ear surgeries: Myringotomy with/ without ventilation tube, Myringoplasty, Tympanoplasty, ossiculoplasty, Modified radical mastoidectomy,
- Nose surgeries: Septoplasty, SMR, Rhinoplasty, Functional endoscopic sinus surgery, maxillectomies.
- Neck surgeries: Different Thyroidectomies, Sistrunk operation, excision of branchial cyst and fistula, surgery of salivary glands, neck dissections, neck biopsies and other minor neck surgeries.
- Phonosurgery: MLS in vocal cord polyp, nodules.
Community visits and health camps in different outreach centers teaching:
- MBBS students
- Intern doctors
- Nursing students
- Paramedics
- Postgraduate training in ENT
- Higher education training of staffs in different sub specialty in ENT.
Future plans:
- To expand Audiology and Speech and Language Pathology services
- To increase Microlaryngoscopic surgeries
- Hearing Aid Clinic
- Laser assisted surgeries
- Assessment and treatment of OSAS
- Image guided sinus surgeries (for the 1st time in Nepal)