Anesthetic services are central to any hospital program and Dhulikhel Hospital has consistently invested in the necessary technology and human resources. As a result, the services are well respected both locally and more widely throughout the country. The Anesthesia team provides twenty four hours service to the operating theatre, procedure room, intensive care unit, endoscopy unit, radio-imaging and different outreach clinics.
- Preoperative assessment and preparation
- Perioperative care
- Critical care service
- Pain management
- Emergency care and resuscitation
- Regional blocks under ultrasound guidance
- Day care surgery
Academic activities:
The department regularly teaches MD, MBBS, BSc nursing, BNS and other paramedical students. Apart from this, the department runs many academic workshops:
- Once a year CME of Society of Anesthesiologists of Nepal
- Regular workshops on ultrasound guided regional anesthesia
- Workshop on point of care ultrasound for critical care
- Non-invasive ventilation and respiratory care
- Emergency Room Trauma Course – 4 courses a year
- Initial Trauma Management Course for intern doctors – 3 courses a year
- ALERT course(Acuter Life-threatening Event Recognition and treatment) for nurses related to ICU and emergency care