Internal Medicine

Department of Internal Medicine

Dr Koju

Prof. Dr. Rajendra Koju, MD
Professor, Cardiologist

gurung Dr. Ram B Gurung, MD
Associate Professor and Head
Chief Interventional Endoscopist
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sanjay Dr. Sanjaya Humagain, MD
Associate Professor, Cardiologist
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 Rajendra Tamrakar Dr. Rajendra Tamrakar, MD
Asst. Professor, Internal Medicine
 ashish Stha Dr. Asish Shrestha, MD
Asst. Professor, Internal Medicine

Dr. Pasanda Sharma, MD

Lecturer, Internal Medicine
 Nirish Vaidhya

Dr. Nirish Vaidya, MD


LecturerInternal Medicine

 Pankaj Poudel

Dr. Pankaj Poudel, MD


 Nikesh Mani Shrestha

Dr. Nikesh Mani Shrestha, MD 




Dr. Surya Raj Pathak, DM 
