Dr. Srijana Dangol, MD
Nepal Medical Council - 3657 E mail:
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- M.D (Paediatrics), Kathmandu University , Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal, 2008
- MBBS, University of Science and Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2001
- 2004: short term training on Diagnosis and management aspect of tuberculosis organized by National Tuberculosis Center, Bhaktapur, Nepal (1 week)
- 2005: Integrated Management of Childhood illness in Kanti Children Hospital, Kathmandu (1week)
- 2009: Community based Newborn care program in Maternity Hospital, Kathmandu (2weeks)
- 2010: Sonographic Diagnosis of Congenital dislocation of Hip, Orthopedic Hospital, Stolz Alpe, Graz, Austria
- 2012: 3 month training at Nationwide children Hospital, Ohio, USA on Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive care unit including 2 weeks exposure on Asthma clinic
- Associate Professor in Pediatrics department in Kathmandu University Hospital.Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal, from DEC 2014
- Assistant Professor in Pediatrics department in Kathmandu University Hospital.Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal, 2011 to 2014
- Lecturer in Pediatric department in Kathmandu University Hospital, 2008 to 2011
- Medical Officer in Dhulikhel Hospital, Dhulikhel, Kavre, 2002 to 2005
- Risk factor of low birth weight babies born in Dhulikhel Hospital
- Incidence, risk factor and outcome of birth asphyxia cases born in Dhulikhel Hospital
- Outcome of meconium stain liquor babies born in Dhulikhel Hospital
- Incidence, Clinical profile and Antibiotic sensitivity in Uninary tract infection in Dhulikhel Hospital
- Incidence, Clinical profile and Antibiotic sensitivity in Enteric fever in Dhulikhel Hospital
- Clinical profile, radiological resolution and risk factor associated with fatal Pneumonia.
Seminars / Conferences
- Attended 2 days conference on Pediatric Epilepsy in Nationwide Children Hospital, Columbus, USA
- Attended 2 days conference on Subspecialty conference of Pediatric organized by Nepal Pediatric Society.
- Attended 3 days conference of pediatric organized by Nepal pediatric society.
- Attended 2 days workshop on curriculum review on Pediatric nutrition organized by child health division of Government of Health.
- Attended 3 days workshop on Curriculum review of MBBS.
- Attended 2 days workshop on Database management of Newborn child.
- Attended 3 days workshop on HIV in children
Paper presentation in Nepal Pediatric Society Conference
- Incidence, Clinical profile and Antibiotic sensitivity in Urinary tract infection in Dhulikhel Hospital
- Incidence, Clinical profile and Antibiotic sensitivity in Enteric fever in Dhulikhel Hospital
- Clinical profile, radiological resolution and risk factor associated with fatal Pneumonia.