
Ms. Inosha Bimali


Asst. Professor, Community Based Rehabilitation

Nepal Physiotherapy Association (NEPTA), Nepal
Physiotherapy Society of Nepal (PSN), Nepal
Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC) - A41 PHY

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  • Master of Physiotherapy (MPT), Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore Manipal University, 2011
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT), Padmashree Institute of Physiotherapy, Bangalore Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore, 2006


  • Physiotherapy Lecturer at Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences, 2011
  • Physiotherapy Instructor at Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences, from 2007


  1. Changes in Physical performance among pre and post menopausal females- A cross sectional study. International Journal for current research and review. Volume 4 issue 6
  2. Effects of 12 weeks group exercise program on strength, flexibility and balance among community dwelling elderly. International Journal of health sciences and research. Volume 5 issue 7.
  3. Understanding the burden of caring people for patient with a stroke in the sub acute and chronic phase in Nepal. International Journal for current research and review. Volume 7 issue 11.


  • Disability Survey and Door-to-Door Rehabilitation Program to Improve Physical Functioning of the Victims of the Nepal Earthquake 2015.


  1. Changes in Physical performance among pre and post menopausal females. NEPTA conference, 2011.
  2. Recent advances on Physiotherapy management of Spastic Hand. Manipal Hospital, Pokhara, 2012.
  3. Poster Presentation on Situation Analysis of Disability in various VDC's of Kavre. Workshop by Handicap International and Nepal Government Ministry of children and social welfare 2014.