Ms. Ranjeeta S Acharya
Associate Professor, Musculoskeletal
Registering Body & Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC), A-188 PHY Registering number Nepal Physiotherapy Association (NEPTA), G-26
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Professional Education
2015 October Enrolled for PhD programe at University of Oslo, Norway
2005 – 2007: Master in Physiotherapy(M.P.T) in Musculoskeletal & Sports from Dr.M.V Shetty College of Physiotherapy Mangalore,(Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore) Karnataka, India.
1999-2004 : Bachelor in Physiotherapy from Kasturba Medical College(KMC),Mangalore
(Manipal Academy of Higher Education) (MAHE), India.
Assistant professor/ Physiotherapist, Present 2010 March
Lecturer in College of Allied Health Science, Assam, Guwahati (India), 2007-2009
Physiotherapists in Rehabilitation Training and Research Clinic, Guwahati (India), 2007-2009
Teaching Assistant / Physiotherapists at College of Physiotherapy and Medical Sciences Guwahati (India) 2004-2005
- Acharya R.S., Adhikari S.P., Oraibi S.A., Baidya S. Challenges and future development of physiotherapy education in nepal . IJCRR.July 2015,Vol 7,Issue 13
- Acharya RS, Adhikari S P, Oraibi S et al. Validation in the Cross cultural adaptation of the Nepali version of the Oswestry Disability Index: IJPOT.April-June 2014,Vol 8, No.2
- Acharya Ranjeeta, AL-Oraibi Saleh, Physiotherapy management of chronic back pain: Systematic Literature review IJPOT. Oct-Dec., 2011, Vol.5, No.4
- Acharya RS, Khadgi B,Shakya NS, Adhikari SP,Basnet SMS,Sharma S et al Awareness of Physiotherapy among clinical doctors in Nepal: JIOM .Vol.33,Issue 2, August,2011
- Acharya RS, Acharya S, Pradhan A, Oraibi S Musculoskeletal disorders among dentists in Nepal: JNDA (2010), Vol.11, No.2,Jul-Dec,107-113
Paper Presentation:
- 3rd May 2015, Poster presented at WCPT 2015 on "Community placement for students is an important Resource for the development of the primary level health sector in Nepal"
- 4th May 2015, Poster presented at WCPT 2015 on "Physiotherapy education at an embryonic phase: challenge and strategies for a better future in a developing country"
- 12th February 2015, Paper presentation on "Validation in the Cross cultural adaptation of the Nepali version of the Oswestry Disability Index"
- 22nd Nov 2014, 7th International Physiotherapy conference, NEPTACON 2014, Kathmandu Paper presentation in the topic "Physiotherapy at an embryonic phase: Challenges faced and an urge for a better future in a developing country"
- 29th Oct 2012, NEPTACON 2012,Kathmandu; Conference, Paper presentation; "Awareness of Physiotherapy among clinical doctors in Nepal"
- 29thMay 2009, "Heat therapy" in the CME programme held by The Government Ayurvedic College, Guwahati, India
- 30th Jan 2008, "Physiotherapy Treatment Approach in Traumatic Paraplegia" in the workshop programme "Rehabilitation Management of Traumatic Paraplegia" held by college of physiotherapy and Medical Sciences, Guwahati, India.
Continuing Professional Development:
- 1st-4th May 2015 Attended " World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2015" Singapore
- 12th -14th February 2015 Attended conference of "Orthocon 2015" organized by the orthopaedic Association of Nepal held in Dhulikhel Hospital, Kathmandu University Hospital
- 3rd February 2015 Workshop on ' General Therapeutic Exercise" conducted by Prof. Patricia E Sullivan, PT, PhD(Visiting professor, Mahidol University, Bangkok) Dhulikhel Hospital. (Credit hrs: 6)
- 12th-16th January 2015 Workshop on ' Research Course in Epidemiology" ,organized by the advance study, Norwegian University of Science and technology (NTNU), Norway,Kathmandu Medical College and Dhulikhel Hospital/ Kathmandu University Hospital, funded by Norwegian Research Council and NTNU, Dhulikhel, Nepal
- 23rd Nov 2014 Workshop on "Manual Therapy of Lumbar Spine" conducted by Prof. Joshua A Cleland, PT, PhD, FAAOMPT , Franklin Pierce University, USA held at Grande City Clinic (Credit Hour:6)
- 21ST-22nd Nov 2014 Attended NEPTA conference 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal
- 20th Nov 2014 Workshop on "Pelvic Girdle Pain-Biopsychosocial Model" conducted by Dr. Britt Stuge, PT, Phd Oslo University Hospital, Norway at Dhulikhel Hospital, Nepal(Credit hour: 6)
- 18th-19th Nov 2014 Workshop on "Leadership" conducted by Dr.Gillain. PT, PhD and Dr.Jessica Lees, DPT Melbourne University, Australia held at Dhulikhel Hospital, Nepal
- 4th & 5th May 2014 Workshop on "Treatment of patients with Low Back Dysfunction" conducted by Dr.Nancy De Muth, DPT,MS (MT), Clinical Team Leader, Lahey Hospital, Massachusetts held at Dhulikhel Hospital, Dhulikhel, Nepal
- 22nd March 2014 Hands on workshop on "Evidence based Physiotherapy Approach to Common Shoulder Complex Disorders" conducted by Guy G. Simoneau, PhD, PT Editor- in - Chief , Journal of Sports and Physical Therapy (JOSPT), held at Dhulikhel Hospital, Dhulikhel, Nepal (Credit hours: 6hrs)
- 29th Oct 2012 Attended NEPTA Conference 2012, Kathmandu
- 17th June-12th July 2012 Course on 'Certificate in Orthopaedic Manual therapy" held at the school of Physiotherapy, Curtin University, Perth, Australia by Dr.Toby Hall and Kim Robinson Specialialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists (Contact hours: 160hrs)
- 8th -9th June 2012 Workshop on "Mobilization of the nervous system" at Dhulikhel Hospital, Kathmandu conducted by Michel Coppieters including lectures on pain sciences, neuroanatomy, neurodynamics, assessment and treatment of altered physical health of the nervous system. Supervised practical sessions include palpation of nervous system, active and passive mobilisation of the nervous system and treatment techniques, Conducted by Dr. Michel Coppieters, PhD, PT, Senior NOI course Instructor, Neuro Orthopedic Institute, Australasia, hosted by Department of Physiotherapy, Dhulikhel Hospital, Kavre, Nepal. (Contact hours: 14 hrs)
- January 2011 Workshop on "Clinical musculoskeletal examination of the upper and lower quarters" in Kathmandu, Nepal conducted by the school of Physiotherapy, Curtin University (Contact hours: 15 hrs)
- 30th December 2010 Workshop on "Access to health research & Evidenced Based Practice" held at Dhulikhel , Nepal by Prof. Dr. Edwin van teijlingen, Prof. Dr.Ram Sharan pathak, Dr.Pradam Simkhada, Dr.Julie Bruce and Mr. Bhimsen Devkota from The University of Sheffield, Bouremouth University and University of Aberdeen
- 20th -21st November Attended 5th National Physiotherapy Conference 2010, NEPTACON , Kathmandu
- 14th - 19th November 2005 Community Based Approaches to the Medical Rehabilitation at Schieffelin
- Leprosy Research and Training Centre, Karigiri, Tamil Nadu from,India.